About me
I am a Master student at Computer Science and Information Engineering Department, National Taiwan Normal University.
My research interests lie in Automatic Speech Recognition, Spoken Language Processing and Automatic Summarization.
- A paper “The NTNU System at the Interspeech 2020 Non-Native Children’s Speech ASR Challenge” accepted by interspeech 2020
- A paper “An Effective End-to-End Modeling Approach for Mispronunciation Detection” accepted by interspeech 2020
- Awarded MOST College Student Research Creativity Award, only 200/3,145 are selected, based on previous scholarship performance.
- A paper “An Effective Contextual Language Modeling Framework for Speech Summarization with Augmented Features” accepted by EUSIPCO 2020
- MOST College Student Research Scholarship, awared by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan